Monday, February 18, 2008

The Day My Watch Died

Today is the day that my Tag Heuer kinetic watch died. The time of death was about 6:10 am. It has been a bit fast for a couple of years now and today when I went to set it, I felt a little "clink." When I was running errands this morning I looked down at the time and it was still 6:10 am.

I tried to reset it to 6:27 am but the second hand only moved while I shook the watch then promptly stopped. The last time I sought repair of the watch because it was slow meant that it had to be mailed somewhere back east or the midwest and would cost over $300 to open and look at. Then the cost to repair would be evaluated after that.

Given the cost to repair and such, I think it is fair to say that the watch is dead.

This is just so sad. The good news is that I have another watch which is battery operated in my jewelery box. I hope the battery isn't dead so I don't have to go another day without a watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula!

Sorry for your watch but... $300 just to open it and look that need to repair??? Oh Gosh!!

Have a nince day,
