Thursday, April 24, 2008

What do your cats do during the day?

The past three evenings I have come home to find that my Roomba vacuum is off it's charger. I have had to go in search of the lost Roomba.

Day #1 - Found under the couch in the living room
Day #2 - Found wedged under the TV cabinet
Day #3 - Found in the bathroom with part of the bath mat stuck in it

I suspect that my cat Penny is the one concerned with cleaning the floor. In past months I have seen her "sit" on the Roomba. When I caught her doing this I noticed that she tries to look casual about it, but she knows what will happen. I don't believe her when she looks at me with the look that says, "oh did that happen? I'm just a cat."

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


Charity V said...

LOL! Oh, my. Julius likes to stalk our Roomba, though so far he hasn't actually turned it on...

Anonymous said...

Great work.