Saturday, March 8, 2008

....he lived.

Today I talked with my friend Steve R. and found out that his flight last week to Düsseldorf had an emergency landing that was made in I believe he said Ireland. It seems a man was sick and coughing blood. Steve (he's the pilot) and his flight crew determined that the best course of action was to make the emergency landing which I believe was a bit of a deviation from what their emergency medical contacts were directing.

In the end, it seemed the man has hemorrhaging blood internally and it is very likely if they did not make the emergency landing the man would have died. It is true that all those people on that flight were late getting to Düsseldorf but that seems so small an issue compared to a person's life. Steve doesn't think his action was heroic, but how can his and his crew's actions be anything but when they actually helped save a life. If they would have taken the easy road and waited a little longer and proceeded to Düsseldorf, the man would have died. Due to their efforts, he lived.

P.S. This picture of Steve is a couple of years old. He is much thinner now but this picture was too good not to put with this post.

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